
It's spelt....

Yesterday, while at work, I came across a moody, rich, British man- a rare specimen... cough.

Anyway, while I was solving his "numerous issues", we got into the nitty gritty of contact details. He wished me to use his wife details for this- I think he, like me, was worried that the two of us had become too emotionally attached and wanted to cut off communication before someone's feelings were hurt.

As I took down the name and number he told me his wife's name was Dali- which I helpfully spelt back to him and he said "yes, Salvador Dali...". To which I stopped what I was doing and there was a 3 second pause. "Your wife is Salvador Dali?".

"What? No her name is Dali, like Salvador Dali". "Ok.... Dali is her first name though right? I mean that was his surname, his first name was Salvador".

My new best friend huffed out a breath over the line and curtly replied with "well, I know that- I was just being helpful".

Being helpful by causing massive confusion....

I think he thought he was being clever. Mentioning an artist I obviously wouldn't know- because lets face it, he's smarter than me....

We finished the call by me just asking who I was speaking with, he said his name was Paul. And I said "Oh... see I would have known that your wife wasn't Salvador Dali at the start of the call if we'd started with that- he was married to a woman named Elena...."

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