
It's campaign season on campus again. The sun comes out and so does the nomination forms. "Will you sign this?"..... well I might if I knew your name, what position you were going for and how you are gonna help me in my plot for world domination in that position.

It's something that needs to be addressed, people going for high powered spots in college not telling me exactly how I will benefit from them getting somewhere in life. I am an Arts student- I live off coat tails.

ISDA announcements have come and gone and we will be bringing "Trainspotting" dir by Jody Quirke and Katie O' Farrell and "Arcadia" dir by Stephen O' Connor.

Th excitement should be decent if we all manage to stay awake.... oh ho ho ho.


I am sitting in the Old Pres at work. People are mulling over the one working printer and every so often someone will ask me if the other printer is actually working.

What they don't know is that it is all an evil plot- I prefer to have fifty million and seven people in this tiny box room with me, all breathing in my oxygen rather than half of them out in the other room. I thought it would be a laugh.

The only good thing about working early in the morning is the walk to work and the sense of accomplishment of getting up before noon.

I really love walking through campus when no-one else is around, it's nice and quiet and there are no wet red tiles and the world is perfect. Unless it's raining and then it's shite. But at least if I fall on my ass @8am no-one will see me