
Very good, now again.

It's fair enough to say that blogs are pretentious- they have to be.

If I wasn't a wanker I wouldn't spend time writing and then thinking others would actually want to sit down and read it. I am not ridiculous- I don't think you will truly gain anything from what I have to say- but I gain things. Sometimes it's additional thought- or a worry, or a moment in repetition because it was that damn good I want to do it all over again

What would you do all over again if you had the chance? Would hindsight rear up on it's back legs with such force you'd decide against it because of the risk- or would you tight rope ahead and feel that feeling again. The adrenaline rush of achievement, the tears of joy, the scream of triumph, the sigh of content.All the wonderful things that package us together and make the handle with care all the more prevalent.

To repeat is to go back and try and not change, to stay in the same place-would you want that? or would you, like me, worry about going back and messing it up. A world of uncertainty at a hypothetical notion seems a little childish wouldn't you think? Well that's me and that is ironically unchanged. But other things move on, other things evolve or morph into difference, that's why we are here isn't it? That's why I write more, you read more and then you move on again. If you really had such a brilliant day would you do the exact same thing again in the hope of achieving same, or would you do it differently in the hope that you could better the feeling.

I think that's the conundrum (I love that word today and have said it at all given opportunities). Do I want brilliance of the same or do I want safety in the constant. We spend so long happy to complain about our mediocrity that I think we forget that it is us that can do something about the change we want.

Up off the ass and move- that's what someone important said once. I think.


Sex.. ha that got your attention

Jungians would explain sex dreams as a symbolic of the attraction to and urge to merge with polar opposites. So, it can refer to wholeness, psychological completion; union of different aspects of yourself. Frightening, oppressive or unpleasant sexual dreams often relate to repressed or unresolved spiritual problems.
Dreams of having sex and or orgasm are normal […]

The best sex dream I ever had, hands down was the most inappropriate twenty minutes of my life.

I awoke breathless, ragged and grateful that I had not allowed any friends to sleep over the night before. It would seem a wanton woman lies in the sleeping mind of my dream eye.

Freudians would interpret sex dreams as some infantile sexual wish or attitude. Waking event will not enter your dreams unless related to deep-seated feelings or attitudes. Any conflicts about sexuality will be reflected in sex dreams. Many sex dreams are heavily disguised as other activities. For instance, going in or through a back door can represent anal intercourse.

The most socially in acceptable thing of the whole scenario was that the sandman believed it Fey to allow the leading man to be a comforting friend out of the sleep tight comfort zone. A friend, a man I would look on in the most platonic of fashion and a person I would never dreamt (bad choice of word) to possess such an appendage as the male form. However it would seem possess it so shall do and do it well.

The sex dream encapsulates the wanton soul of the person who is inhabiting the fantasy. it does not reflect the idea of belonging or desire, merely the idea that the relationship has changed focus in recent times. This means I am not crazy, in the instance my mind is just coming to terms that I have a friend that I seemingly don't want to shag. Apparently not dreaming about ripping your clothes off and doing it on one of my best friend's bed is when one should start to have concerns.

Therefore research for this particular blog started on the internal scale. What had I to eat the night before that caused such thoughts? Were my pillows at an unusual angle? Did I have a fever? Am I so lustful driven that not even a platonic loved one is safe?

The fitful dreams of a lady of the night; that's how I will be known. Is my mind safe to let me rest.

I'll let you know how it goes tonight.
