
Perhaps change is the key Watson...

If there is one book you deem worthy of reading this month, year or decade I would lobby it to be Schindler's Ark. You stomach it without tasting metal in your mouth at every injustice over every leaf and I don't think I want you reading what I write.

Today I spent much of my time in solitude. I have not been sleeping due to weird dreams that I refuse to have, in my refusal it seems sleep and the occasional nap has been taken away from me. I can deal with it so long as I get my five to six hours of quiet time every 24 hours.

So I toook the time today to set up a new blog (ooooh shiney) I hear you say. I will add the link onto this page as soon as I have a little archive together.

The mish mash of nevertoolate is all well and good but it doesn't sit well with me when I want to have a tudy and clean piece put together.

I also had a brilliant idea today- not going to actually tell anyone about it just yet, but just know... it's great.


Daniel Lynch said...

Im excited.

Cia said...

Wipe down the screen after you've been reading on here.