
Groundhog Day

I sit cross legged in the middle of the living room floor. Well, this will be my living room for the next 20 hours or so- after that it'll belong to some student who will start their year back in college. While I stay working. There are no sound effects in this blog but if there were to be you would hear some sort of dry wretch right about now.

We move once again tomorrow, I feel like that is all I have been doing... move to l eave college, move to find a job, move to find adventures, move to keep up to date with friends/family/people I like to spend time with. If this is what a grown up is all about then I am glad that I am short and can pass for a 17 year old, as I plan on regressing back those 5 years (shudder) and taking up the teenager phase that I seem to have not bothered with at that time.

My parents actually waited for me to become moody, my mother told me this one day. They couldn't understand why their most sensitive and dramatic child never came home in floods of tears and declared that she hated her entire family. To be honest, I just couldn't be bothered. I liked my life at the time and if I had any problems within it then that was probably because I had in fact created them myself. Which is nice to consider that some things haven't changed overtime...

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