
Last Woman Standing

I am no Dara O’ Briain (thankfully); however I do believe I have the capacity to make someone laugh. Well, at least just as much as a guy. The penis does not automatically make a person humorous- if that were the case male Arts students would see a lot more action (all low blows are brought to you courtesy of a five hour shift in an un air conditioned Boole Basement).

Have you ever heard the word hysterical and wondered where it was derived from? Well let me tell you- I sat dazed in Women and Literature last year waiting for someone to start up about why women are better than stupid boys when the lecturer wrote the word up on a white board.

“Hysterical” she shrilled “comes from the word hysterectomy”. If you were also in that class I was the person who muttered; “Ah woman- I was about to eat this sandwich”. She went on to explain. Apparently when women go a little “mental” it was believed back in the stone age (you know, the 70’s) that their womb had detached itself from their…womb home and all that bashing around the place drove them mad. It’s a lovely image. So why is it then that the word hysterical is associated with us? I would take hysterical to mean something was rather amusing. But if I have learnt anything this week it is that guys around campus at least, believe that women are not funny.

So, the question of the week is WHY aren’t women funny? See, a friend (I use the term loosely) of mine made a sweeping generalised statement in the Main Restaurant (while enjoying the free tea and coffee- cheers Kylemore) that women are just not funny. He said it clear and concise as if this were simple fact and because I myself possessed ovaries may not have understood him clearly. He demanded I list funny women with the stipulation that they had to be funny in a situation that did not make them look stupid.

This was my chance to defend my fairer sex, the chance to prove women are hilarious and men are just things we keep around for the cold weather. Unfortunately this was not to be the case. I muster up all the thought in my mind and I… choke. No woman came to mind. This tragic turn of events has led me to think that we are in trouble.

If men start to think of they are in fact funny the world as we know it could end. The images of them sipping sherry, smoking cigars and congratulating themselves on being masters of humour will haunt my dreams. From now on I plan to start every conversation with “So this Rabbi walks into a bar”. To do my bit for the cause.

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