
And the week that has been..

I feel drained in a way, yet completely rested and calm. It's a ridiculous paradox in a stream of alot of mid day naps, day dreams and searches. Spending over €40 in a second hand bookshop solely on poetry books was the most rewarding part of the week. Realising I don't HAVE to be someone's beck and call at every turn. Find your own feet in a place that's scary- it's all ok to do.

New places to see and go to are helping me tolerate myself alot more. Travelling can be a solo opportunity- and how bad?!

Sometimes I don't like who I am in Cork city- I feel a little lost and vulnerable. Anywhere else in the world I can get through most situations without having to run to someone for advice- why is that? That place is supposed to be my home! But it doesn't feel like it anymore, I don't have a concrete there- no where to stand comfortably.

But maybe it's my surroundings that is causing the problem- ergo we move out. Albeit we not move far...

In fact... I don't think we're going to need a car for this adventure....

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