
Very good, now again.

It's fair enough to say that blogs are pretentious- they have to be.

If I wasn't a wanker I wouldn't spend time writing and then thinking others would actually want to sit down and read it. I am not ridiculous- I don't think you will truly gain anything from what I have to say- but I gain things. Sometimes it's additional thought- or a worry, or a moment in repetition because it was that damn good I want to do it all over again

What would you do all over again if you had the chance? Would hindsight rear up on it's back legs with such force you'd decide against it because of the risk- or would you tight rope ahead and feel that feeling again. The adrenaline rush of achievement, the tears of joy, the scream of triumph, the sigh of content.All the wonderful things that package us together and make the handle with care all the more prevalent.

To repeat is to go back and try and not change, to stay in the same place-would you want that? or would you, like me, worry about going back and messing it up. A world of uncertainty at a hypothetical notion seems a little childish wouldn't you think? Well that's me and that is ironically unchanged. But other things move on, other things evolve or morph into difference, that's why we are here isn't it? That's why I write more, you read more and then you move on again. If you really had such a brilliant day would you do the exact same thing again in the hope of achieving same, or would you do it differently in the hope that you could better the feeling.

I think that's the conundrum (I love that word today and have said it at all given opportunities). Do I want brilliance of the same or do I want safety in the constant. We spend so long happy to complain about our mediocrity that I think we forget that it is us that can do something about the change we want.

Up off the ass and move- that's what someone important said once. I think.

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