
When one is trying to find ones way in Dublin it is very important that you are not with a boy at the time. They will not ask for directions. There is something in their brain that tells them to stop talking, put their head down and pretend that it is a shameful act. At 3am on a Friday morning within spitting distance of that stupid spike thing there is nothing wrong with asking someone where the bloody hell our hostel is.

I understand the genetic make-up that comes into it. It is a sign of weakness to refrain from finding assistance and eventually coming upon the desired destination just before daybreak- but that just isn't how I roll. We asked for directions, we did find our way, and he is no less a man for it.

Another that has been uncovered this week is that vans can reverse- when you force them to. They will reverse, they will drive and they will most certainly go down a one way street the wrong way. The moral of this discovery is that I survived to blog it.

ISDA is complete.... I am no longer a production officer. I do not have another task that involves a risk assessment. From now on if you plan on standing still for long enough I will set you on fire.

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