
I am just listening to Martin Luther Kind Jr give his "I have a Dream" speech (28th of August 1963) in Washington at the Lincoln memorilia- imagine having such power with words that you are quoted and immortalised just with the use of your words? I presume many at the time this speech was first heard was considered some kind of radical rant- not some kind of (hopeful) look into the future.

My Resolution to myself... saying No a little more often is NOT going as well as it could be but I do think I am getting stronger all the time. And eventually if I do not like you, you will here me scream at you before you can see me- it's something to look forward to.

We have been studying Jane Austen in class- apparently she was a gothic writer wih bad punctuation- isn't that great?! I mean possible one of the greatest female writers ever- but, eh, she's not great like. Great Gas altogether.

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