
Ah yes- a bad day and then an evening with friends is the only way to get over it.

I am finding myself far more romantic or late- a terrible state of affairs- I may even get into the chick flick genre..... maybe not.

Broken promises are going to be a big no no for me this week- so be warned that I will not be tolerating it whatso-and-ever.

I have two boy crushes! It is fantastic! Makes my day when I spot one of them, and then I can pretend I know what they are thinking... theyt want me. They can have me- just in case they are reading this... doubtful.

I miss things more this time of year and I blame that big fat man for this- he dresses in red and thinks he rocks because it is such an unforgiving colour. I don't care what he puts under the tree this year for me- we are not on speaking terms.

I need to cut my fringe apparently..... there's a mirror and scissors right there..... if I am not back in 48 hours begin to worry.

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