
Wine, cheese, bread, wine, wine, prosecco and wine.

This is my Ernest Hemingway blog- so don't worry, it'll be beautiful and make perfect sense.

Did you have a good day?

I spent it dealing with nothing and then worrying about everything all at once. I have so much to write and yet everytime I sit down to do it- it never happens.

but... WORRY NOT....

I will procrastinate right here and it will all get done or it won't get done at all and I will fill my mind with youtube videos of cats... even though I hate cats.

I am going to call my mother more...

and tell her I hate cats.


There is always an issue when technology is an ass...

I am not a dramatic person.

But someone will die tonight.

And it will be my Mac.

Or Apple TV.

Or an innocent bystander who just happens to smile and so me the wrong teeth- I am very particular about these things.