
Have You Ever People Watched?
It is my best hobby and talent- I can make up the most complicated life situations for each character. Let me give you an example. Walking home from work today, headphones blaring to the appropraite decible- I believe the Beatles were my walking soundtrack. It was raining heavily, puddles bigger than the river Lee- cars driving all over the place (well just the road really), and there was this old man leaning up against a window, smoking a pipe that looked older than me. I imagine he was a fashion desinger in Paris during 40's blazing "power dressing" phase, his closet homosexulaity has lead to his nicottine habit and his children (all seven of them) have put him in numerous nursing homes- he has escaped them all, because when he was in Paris he was trained as a spy- worked for the secret service and can speak 80 languages. He had an affair with the Queen, Dali Lama and George Bush Sr. His life with the last 3 years have consisted of him hiding out in all public houses with a popularity census of under a dozen.

We made eye contact and he gave me a knowing acknowledgement.


If you want my help you have to ask....

I am not a mind reader, despite how much fibre is in my diet. I try as much as possible to read all the signals and pick up on all the vibes thrown around me, but chances are I will miss alot of them. It is due to tha fact that I am rather short. I love that people assume they are at ease enough with me that I can contend with what they are thinking, but I have a secret... I have no idea what is going on around me, unless a person is hostile or affectionate. I'm like one of those child actors from Barney the Dinosaur genre (have no idea why I capitalised Dinosaur, it issues some importance with me no doubt), I will adapt to the imaginary situation that I have constructed in my head- it's a gift.

Today is my epitome of stress and forbodding- all I wanted to do was stay put in my haven of a home and not greet any time of world- no matter how nice the weather seems to be. I look forward to (*checks watch) about five hours from now, and in a swift attempt of denial, which was a huge topic for me last night, I am going to focus on the later afternoon.

Whatever befalls us will only happen once... I hope


Things that I love today.
My housemates; despite the fact that we are all far far too polite to each other and that means that ALOT goes unsaid. It's great, means there is alot more tension during the hungover hours of 9am-5pm. But then alcohol comes into play like a son of a bitch. God speed Vodka... for you show the truth in all it's nasty colours. I think the reason the Irish are blackmarked for the alcoholic beverage intake is because of our honest nature- we have to be pissed if we're telling the truth.

What's my favourite vegetable:
I have thought about this long and hard (I always giggle through that phrase)- I like peppers, but I HATE green peppers, they annoy me, they are all green and awkward smelling and they taste like they have been salted, they actually think they are better than red peppers- such a lie.


Am currently positioned behind a desk, the one place I always thought I could escape from- simply because of my serious lack of appreciation for those solid 9-5's we all know and love. I have a job that requires little, if no knowledge, interpersonal skills or customer service skills. I think the fact that I can stand upright got me where I am today. My mother would be so proud.
I have ruled this out as a future career- I am here with three hours. My stamina is similar to that of a a horny teenager. But I like the quiet time and the fact that I can stay on the internet for ridiculous lengths of time without being judged. The only people that approach me are the ones that are not smiling- why is that? I will always smile at you, my job is to answer any questions you may have, so suck it up and smile, bitch.